Dive deeper into the ActivInspire software to apply advanced features into your daily lessons.
Increase your ActivInspire skills by learning about intermediate tools that can be used to enrich your classroom lessons.
In this course, you will learn how to customize your Promethean account and engage your students on the ActivPanel 9.
In this course, you will learn how to customize your Promethean account and engage your students on the ActivPanel 9 Premium.
In this course, you will learn how to connect external devices to your Promethean ActivPanel.
In this quick course, discover all of the tools available in the Explain Everything toolbox. Take the course now.
ActivPanel 9 allows for a secure sign in experience by creating an account and personalizing it for a unique classroom teaching experience.
In this course, you will learn how to deliver a lesson on the ActivPanel using existing resources.
In diesem Mikro-Kurs lernen Sie alle Werkzeuge aus der Explain Everything Werkzeugleiste kennen. Importieren Sie eigene Ressourcen und sparen Sie Zeit mit vorhandenen Vorlagen. Jetzt kostenfrei teilnehmen.
In this course, explore how to record your lessons and collaborate in Explain Everything, as well as take a deeper dive into Promethean apps.
In this course, you will learn how to access and use the features of the Promethean web applications for use on any device and with the Promethean Chromebox.
Learn how to increase engagement in your classroom with teaching tips and tools on the Promethean ActivPanel.
In this course, you will explore how Promethean’s ActivInspire software is used to create engaging lessons in your Mathematics classroom.
In this course, you will learn about your ActivPanel, how to use it with and without a connected computer and the ways that it can become an integral part of the early years learning environment.