Different ways to access the menu on your ActivPanel 9

Two ActivPanel 9s on stands

You may already be familiar with the ActivPanel 9, a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your teaching experience. The latest 1.3 firmware update to the ActivPanel 9 features an improved menu activation feature, which allows you to launch the panel menu in alternative ways beyond the traditional method of pressing the flame button on the panel and remote. In this blog post, we will explain how to use this new feature and take advantage of its benefits.

The first way to launch the ActivPanel 9 menu is by tapping the center tab at the bottom of the display. This tab is a new addition that was added as part of the 1.3 firmware update. When the menu is retracted, you can simply tap this tab to launch the menu. This is a quick and easy way to access the panel menu without having to look for the flame button.

Another way to launch the menu is by tapping the left or right side of the display glass. This is another new feature that was added to make it easier for you to access the menu. Simply tap the left or right side of the display to launch the menu. This is a great option for when you are standing at the side of the panel and don’t want to reach for the center tab or the flame button.

To manage the on/off state of the new center tab at the bottom of the panel display when the menu is retracted, you can use the Menu Activation Tab Display Setting. This setting is found in the AVI settings interaction tab. Here, you can turn the tab on or off depending on your preference. If you prefer not to see the tab, you can turn it off. If you find it helpful, you can keep it on.

We hope you find these updates helpful and that they enhance your teaching experience with the ActivPanel 9.

You can learn more about the latest 1.3 firmware release in this video: