Explain Everything explained

A screen shot from the Explain Everything Digital Whiteboard

Get to know our newest addition

In modern classrooms, engaging lessons and real-time collaboration with students is essential. Explain Everything is a leading digital whiteboard platform that makes planning your presentations quick and easy.

Whether you begin with a blank canvas or need to save time by importing resources you already have on your computer, creating interactive lessons, tutorials, and recording video has never been more intuitive.

Need inspiration for a unique lesson? Templates are a great way to boost your brainstorming by building upon an already created idea.

Simply sign into your account and create a new project, join an existing project, or open one you’ve already been working on.

Ready to get started? Watch the video below to learn more and explore Explain Everything today!

Extend your learning

Explain Everything Essentials 1 course

Explain Everything Essentials 2 course